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We use data to drive traffic insightsdecisions revenue

We Deliver Qualified Traffic Through Precision Digital Advertising

We use the Facebook, Instagram, and Google advertising platforms to target specific customer segments with your value proposition. 

Our advertising campaigns are designed to adjust and scale with any sized budget.


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Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Data-Driven Advertising That Brings Qualified Traffic

PPC advertising is an efficient, effective way to change the course of your business quickly. As more and more consumers and businesses use the internet to find products and services it is imperative that you have a digital marketing strategy that maximizes your opportunity to serve your customers.

Paid search marketing is an incredibly powerful way to transform your business, but it’s also complex. It’s a mix of art and science that needs focus and expertise in order to provide the results you need.

It can be overwhelming to manage your advertising campaigns so that they adapt and improve over time. This is where we come in – at Mighty Alpha we do the heavy lifting for our clients day-in-day-out. 

Our paid search advertising experts can create the right strategy to drive qualified traffic to your website and convert them into leads or sales through optimized landing pages – at a fraction of what a full-time employee would cost to manage your paid advertising campaigns.

Facebook Advertising That Works

Advertising on Facebook enables hyper-targeted advertising to people who are most likely to benefit from what you offer. The Facebook Ads platform has some of the most detailed demographic and interest targeting when looking for new customers. By leveraging this powerful platform and running rapid experiments, we can quickly find messaging and offers that resonate with your ideal customers then scale a campaign to maximize your return on ad spend.

Retargeting Customers

Retargeting is an incredibly effective tactic that can amplify your advertising results. Retargeting is when a potential customer visits your website and then leaves. Later, using the retargeting technology, we are able to show them your ads on Facebook. Because we’re able to track their journey to and from your website, these ads are customized to show them relevant information (or maybe a special offer) that will get them to want to come back to your site. This means your marketing campaigns have even more of an impact with precision targeting, even if they didn’t take action the first time they visited your website. 

“The results speak for themselves. Within two months I was getting at least three new customers every week! When you do the customer lifetime value calculation, it means nearly twenty thousand a year more income – and that’s growing every week!”

-Erin Shea, Lumen Salon

“I just checked our Google search ranking – we’re still No. 1 for our two primary local keywords. Mighty Alpha has consistently brought customers to our business for the last four years. Great results!”

-Jane Licht, Rocking L Acres

“Working with Mighty Alpha has been great. They create the strategy, manage the campaigns, bring the customers and grow my profits. I can’t recommend them highly enough.”

-Hung Nguyen, Quality One Construction

How We Get Results For You

Campaign Strategy and Management

Paid search marketing campaigns are complex. Phases include setup, testing, optimization, monitoring, and reporting. To maximize your investment, you need a proven approach. Our team of PPC management experts helps our clients create new incremental revenue that can have a huge impact on their businesses. We can develop a customized strategy with targeted campaigns that allow for optimized and automated growth for long-term success.

Keyword Research

A successful PPC strategy begins with effective keyword research. We do a deep-dive into the types of search terms your ideal customers are using so that we can position your brand front-and-center with these audiences. We have experience building effective keyword strategies and using tools that optimize keyword opportunities to boost engagement and conversions.

Creative Copy That Converts

The language and messaging you use with different audiences is one of the most important components of a great paid search campaign. A single word can make a huge difference. We have years of experience crafting ad copy that moves people along your sales journey and converts them to customers predictably and profitably. We use best practices with all of our campaigns while also tasing new ideas for potential break-out results.

Customized Landing Pages

Landing pages are one of the most underestimated and overlooked components that impact conversions and sales of paid advertising campaigns. We develop effective landing pages that actually work to boost traffic and clicks. Our user experience experts create the content, layout, and calls to action so that each landing page captures more leads and sales.

Measuring and Optimizing for Success

One of the golden rules of digital marketing is to know your numbers! It’s essential to know where your visitors are coming from, what they do when they interact with your brand, and what strategies and tactics actually get them to take action. With the magic of some of the digital marketing tools at out disposal, we can track each of your ad campaigns in incredible detail so that we can continually adjust and optimize your ad spend for optimal results.

Sustainable Budget Management

The beauty of paid digital advertising is the ability to quickly adjust and redirect your advertising investment in real-time as we see what’s working and what’s not. Budget optimization is one of the most complex aspects of paid search management, and it’s something that needs special attention. With years of experience creating and optimizing individual keyword campaigns and daily budgets, we can ensure your budget is optimized for return on ad spend (ROAS).

Reaching Customers on Their Terms

For most consumer brands, we find more than half of website visits and transaction occur on a mobile device. With the widespread use of smartphones, customers across all verticals are searching and discovering products and services on-the-go. Your paid search campaigns, ads, and landing pages must be optimized for all devices so you can access all of these engagement opportunities.

Effective, Efficient Communication and Reporting

Good communication is essential in any healthy partnership. We keep our clients updated on progress regularly, which is why we send reports and seek feedback from our clients frequently. From the outset, we agree on communication detail and cadence so that you’re in the know at all times. Our reports provide insightful performance analysis, including opportunities for improvement.

Our Simple 5-Step Process to Get Started

  1. To get started, complete the form on this page. We’ll be in touch with you within 24 hours and, if appropriate, set up a time to talk on a phone call.
  2. During that chat, we’ll have a short conversation about your goals, what you’re currently doing with paid digital advertising, and what’s working or not working in your marketing mix. We’ll also spend some time answering your questions, then together we’ll decide whether we can help.
  3. If we find that we could partner on your PPC strategy, with your permission, we’ll analyze your business and your Facebook, Instagram ,and Google advertising accounts in order to create a playbook that guides how we’ll help – even if we don’t work together, this playbook will be worth the effort.
  4. If we decide to work together, we set a date to get started.
  5. Typically, you’ll start seeing meaningful sales growth in your business within 90 days of us partnering together.

Ready to Grow?

Let’s find out if we’re a good fit for helping you achieve your growth goals

The first step is to schedule an exploratory, no-pressure phone call so we can get to know each other.
From there we’ll learn about your business, understand your goals, and decide whether it makes sense to work together.