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We grow trafficleadscustomersrevenuebusinesses

We grow trafficleadscustomersrevenuebusinesses

Mighty Alpha is a data-driven digital marketing agency that grows highly profitable businesses online.

Mighty Alpha is a data-driven digital marketing agency that grows highly profitable businesses online.

We’re a Digital Marketing Agency That Delivers

We’re a team of internet marketing experts. We design and implement digital marketing strategies that build brands and provide our clients with business growth results that make a difference. We measure our success by the results we get for our clients. When you partner with us, we’re committed to getting you…

More Customers

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people are searching for your services every day. When you publish top-notch content you’ll attract an audience that wants to engage with you more. With more conversations, you’ll be able to understand your audience and discover new ways to provide even more value to your customers.

More Revenue

When targeted, qualified visitors are attracted to your site because of your valuable content they’ll also happily buy your products or services. Knowing your customers and consistently executing good online marketing brings you more predictable revenue and profit.

More Freedom

Working with an internet marketing agency that takes care of the entire process – from strategy to implementation, optimization, and automation – will leave you with more time to do the things you’re great at and allow you to focus on more ways to grow your business.

“The results speak for themselves. Within two months I was getting at least three new customers every week! When you do the customer lifetime value calculation, it means nearly twenty thousand a year more income – and that’s growing every week!”

-Erin Shea, Lumen Salon

“I just checked our Google search ranking – we’re still No. 1 for our two primary local keywords. Mighty Alpha has consistently brought customers to our business for the last four years. Great results!”

-Jane Licht, Rocking L Acres

“Working with Mighty Alpha has been great. They create the strategy, manage the campaigns, bring the customers and grow my profits. I can’t recommend them highly enough.”

-Hung Nguyen, Quality One Construction

Our Proven Approach to Growing Businesses


Search Engine Optimization

Unrelenting Attention to Organic Traffic Growth

If you want more qualified visitors to your website, you should have a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy that works for your business. To grow your business, your content must appear early in the search results whenever people are looking for what it is that you provide. SEO is what will get you to the top of the organic search results.

But here’s the thing. SEO is a long game. It’s highly technical, it’s always changing. We are experts at all elements of a successful SEO campaign: keyword research, competition analysis, on-site optimization, link-worthy content, outreach and link building. 

We use proven SEO techniques to increase your web traffic, increase conversions and ultimately increase your profits.


Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Data-Driven Advertising That Brings Qualified Traffic

Pay-per-click (PPC) or paid digital advertising is an essential component of a business growth strategy. 

PPC is a great way to amplify the number of visitors who come to your website. With a modern marketing strategy, we can target hyper-specific customer segments that are most likely to buy from you. We’ll use sophisticated analytics to optimize your ad campaigns and ensure your budget is being spent efficiently.

Paid traffic is a perfect complement to organic SEO traffic to ensure that we’re maximizing the number of qualified prospects who come to your website.


Marketing Automation

Customized, Optimized, and Automated, and Growth Engines 

Once we have qualified and predictable traffic coming to your website from our SEO and PPC campaigns, we need to make sure they take the action we’d like in order to achieve top line results for your business.

Marketing Automation (MA) is the process of understanding consumer behavior and building a customized experience for visitors so that they discover the value of your offering and become customers. 

Using a suite of digital tools and strategies, we can optimize the customer journey, from visitor to customer to raving fan, and maximize the lifetime value of every customer. Once we have the customer experience optimized, we can automate the entire process so you have predictable, scalable growth.

Custom Growth Engines

We’ll work with you to understand your goals and expectations. Then we’ll dive deep into customer research to learn about what makes them tick.

We’ll develop a strategy and execution plan for a growth engine that accelerates your business results.

We’ll track and optimize the strategy so that you can achieve exceptional, predictable, automated revenue in a short amount of time.

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